Joe and I went to Belize on our honeymoon. I wanted to go to Hawaii and hang out on the beach but Joe wanted more of an experience. I am so glad that he won. We flew out the day after our wedding on the red eye and arrived at the Coppola Resort, the Turtle Inn located in Placentia. Turtle Inn is on the white sandy beach and Joe spoiled me with a seafront villa. It was amazing. This picture was taken right outside our cabana at sunset. I can still remember the sound of the ocean while I was waking up in the morning. It was the most beautiful location that I have ever vacationed.
I really wanted a beach getaway to relax and unwind after the wedding. The stress leading up to the wedding was unbearable and I really wanted some peace and quiet. Joe on the other hand wanted an adventure in Belieze. So we made a comprimise...4 days at the beach and 5 days in the mountains where we could see Tecal the old Mayan ruins.
The view at Tecal in Guatemala was amazing and almost as breath taking as the beach in Belieze.
But before we went into the mountians we had a ton of fun on the coast. We took a boat ride into Monkey River and had lunch in a local resturant. They had the tastiest chicken and rice that I have had to date. Joe snapped this photo before we boarded the boat in the morning. It was beautiful weather but full of mosquitos so long sleeves and pants were needed.

Joe and I enjoyed many cocktails while lounging and swimming in this beautiful pool. It was a perfect way to spend the afternoon. It has almost been four years since this trip, but looking back at this photo I can remember it like it was yesterday! What a perfect honeymoon!!!!
Joe and I also took a boat out to a very small island and went snorkling. It was so pretty... the coral looked like a magnificent quilt made of very bright viberant colors and many different textures. It was an artists dream. I will never forget it. Unfortunately I would like to forget how sea sick I got floating around the island. I had to get out of the water and lay down after 20 miniutes. I took this photo after lunch when everyone was still swimming out in the ocean.
We were so happy, recently married and thousands of miles away from everything.
Our ocean front cabana was awesome. No television, radio or phone, just my husband and I. This is a picture of our private backward that has a shower!

I love this photo. We had nothing to worry about except hiding from the couple who sold bat shit.
After we left the Turtle Inn we traveled to the Chaa Creek Inn. They set up a priviate tour for us in Guatemala at Tical. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.
After we walked the dead city all morning we had a tasty lunch and the best beer ever. "Gallo" Joe and I talked about this beer the other day. We don't know if it was the fact that we were hot and tired or if the Beliziean beer Belkin was so terrible that made the beer taste so good.
Chaa Creek in as not as beautiful as the Turtle Inn, but we still has fun. Here we are inside an old Mayan cave. It was scary and I got really closterphobic. We also were filthy!
After nine days in Belieze I was ready to come home and sleep for a few days. I had another week before I began my new job at Juicy Couture as an assistant patternmaker. It was a very exciting time in my life!