Friday, January 15, 2010

Olivia turns nine months old

I have been bad about taking photos lately.  My most images are now captured with my phone.  I need to find out how I can post pictures from my phone directly to this blog.

But we still have has an exciting week.  Olivia hit her nine month milestone yesterday.  WOW!  She is such a big girl now. We went to her well visit on Tuesday this week.  She weighted in at 17lbs 4oz, 27.5" long, much smaller than her older sister at the 25% percentile.  She is amazing!  Olivia is now crawling around on her hands an knees. She makes loud thumping noises on the hardwood when she is determined to get somewhere.  She is having so much fun with Audrey, trying to pull her hair at every opportunity. She is still blabbing mama all of the time.  I am trying to convince her to say dada but she is not intrested.  Her favorite toys are her older sisters kitchen toys, she will entertain herself for up to half an hour playing with them.  She also loves her baby doll, the maracas and Audrey's drum.
We celebrated her birthday by attending a music class together.  I enrolled both girls in a class called "Rock Toddler"  that meets weekly on Thursday mornings.  Yesterday we had our first class, both girls really enjoyed themselves. Olivia was so excited she kept on squealing and screeching with glee, bouncing up and down. I was so happy to share this experience with her. Audrey also had a grand time. She loved helping Olivia with the different instruments and also playing on her own now that she is a big girl.

Joe took this photo of us while we were getting the girls  ready for bed.  Olivia looks a bit distressed but since I get few pictures of the me with them I decided to post it.
It has been really nice watching Audrey grow up since Olivia was born. She loves to announce to her teachers and friends that "this is my baby sister"  I am very proud of her.  She tries to help out as much as possible. 

Olivia has decided that she no longer like to eat pureed foods. I she tried blueberries the other morning and loved them.  I on the other hand did not love the clean up.  She went directly into the bath!


  1. 9 months!!!? Wow....time flies...cute pics:-)

  2. Thanks Cassie! I know they grow up so quickly. Today I was wishing that they would stay this young forever, I cannot remember Audrey at 9 months. They are so much fun and unbelievable! I hope you and the family are well!

  3. Thank you Jenn....I know, Eli turns 3 in two weeks. Unbelieveable!! :-) Much love to u and your family!!!!
