Friday, March 5, 2010

Cruising and Claping

Here we are almost 1 year after Olivia was born. Each day is an adventure with my girls. I woke up yesterday morning and was greeted by a very happy Olivia who began clapping when she saw me walk out of the hallway.  She loves to play with her musical instruments that we keep in a hat box. I constantly put then away to turn around and see that she has pulled them all out again. Her favorites include the maracas and a wooden drum with a fun rubber drum stick.
Olivia is now offically cruising around the house too.  She walks from the ottomans to the couch to daddys leg and then over to her toys basket.  Nothing is going to slow this girl down.  She has begun playing by herself and travels with her snack trap close behind where she can eat cherrios.
Of course I have no pictures of what I have just describes, but here are a few of my favories from the past few days.
Audrey was regressing and took some time to climb into Olivia's activity center.  Yes, Olivia is under next to Audrey's feet.

Olivia figured out what was happening very quickly and made her escape!

looking cool in the tub

Learning new tricks from big sister Audrey
nothing is sweeter than a hug from your sister
The other evening Joe called out to informing me that Audrey had discovered the costume jewelry stashed in her closet.  Yikes!  Before I managed to remove it all she snagged these retro glasses.

Audrey loves to paint in the back yard using the art center that her grandparents gave her.  The other day Joe gave Audrey some paint.  A few minuites later I was greeted by the blue/purple monster.

It really was cute and not a messy as it may look!  Ha!

Yesterday was picture day at Audrey's preschool.  I had to take her in on her day off for her group class picture.  So I bribed Audrey with this big lolly asking her to behave and smile for the camera.  I was VERY sore from a yoga class yesterday and could not move easily. I was also challenged with watching Olivia in Audrey's classroom with oodles of toddlers who like to squeeze and love babies, so yes I feel that the bribe was very needed and was extremely successful!

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