Last weekend I too a few days off and the 4 of us boarded a plane to St. Louis, Missouri. We were headed to Joe's home state so see my brother Brian get married. It was a very eventful weekend, one that I will not be forgetting soon. Brian and Angela had a beautiful wedding and everyone had a wonderful time. Well everyone expect for Olivia....
insert picture of mt very ill daughter here...(She looked terrible)
Olivia developed a double ear infection along with a double eye infection that was complemented with a fever of 104.7 and an event of vomiting all over mom on the way to the urgent care facility.
Audrey has never been this ill and Joe and I were very concerned. We took Olivia to the Urgent care a mile or away from our hotel. The staff was very nice and the doctor was awesome, if she lived in our city I would switch providers! After the doctor examined Olivia she wanted to admit her to the hospital, I almost died! I did not travel from Los Angeles to visit the hospital in St. Louis and not see my brother get married. As I mother I would not be albe to leave Audrey or Olivia in the hospital to attend a wedding, sorry Brian...
The doctor and I decided on another plan that allowed Olivia to be treated as an outpatient. Over the next few days Olivia's progress began to improve and she was able to attend all the festivities. And to our surprise she was well enough to fly home on Sunday as we had planned.
Audrey was a great sport during this trip. We were never albe to make it to the zoo that we had promised her. But my mother did watch Olivia Saturday morning, we were able to take Audrey to visit Grant's Farm.
She got to pet several baby goats, and she touched a snake. If you ask her about it she will tell you that petting the snake was not very good.

Audrey was a very good little girls last weekend. And she looked beautiful in her flower girl dress. At the wedding she walked down the aisle with me and went to daddy for her promised lolly-pop. During dinner she fed her new found friends goat and kitty- kat chicken tenders.

After dinner she had a lovely evening of dancing and providing the entertainment.
We had a wonderful night and are very pleased that Angela is now part of our family!
cute pics, Jenn!! :-)