The past two months have flown by! Audrey is now settled in kindergarten and Olivia is a full time student at celebration kids. Our family had a hard time adjusting to Audrey's new schedule. Olivia was very sad and depressed that she could not attend Audrey's new school. She missed her sister when she was not home and gave Joe and I a terrible time when she was home with us on Tuesday and Thursdays. We decided to put Olivia in preschool 5 days a week and she started her new schedule last week. Olivia is now in heaven and Joe and I are much happier too.

Olivia is growing up. She enjoyed her gymnastics class at the YMCA and is asking for more!

Audrey is also loving gymnastics. It is helping her with her balance and coordination and making her core stronger at the same time.

I am sure you heard, I am coaching Audrey's soccer team this year. I have a great group of 10 girls. I have been focusing on team building and sportsmanship.

Go purple lightening flowers!
Audrey made her first goal during our game last week. It was a very proud mama moment! She is keeping count now and has 4 this season so far.

We have met some great families at Aldama Elementry. The second week in we got together at the local farmers market for dinner.
We are doing well, everything is now falling into place once again. I hope to have more time to share our memories here!