Monday, October 8, 2012

Disney cruise

The four of us has a wonderful time on our first family cruise. It was such a great experience.
Olivia was very overwhelmed when she woke up on her birthday. We were in a hotel, gave her a few gifts and kept telling her about the mysterious "cruise" that we were about to experience.

We took the magical express bus to port canaveral, Florida. It was a very easy way to travel. Our flight landed the day before in Orlando had a reservation at the Hilton hotel inside the airport. This allowed us to stretch our legs and give us time to get some rest before the big day. We stayed over night and the next morning our luggage was picked up in our hotel room and was transported to the ship for us. It was much easier to travel with out our 4 suitcases.

We has a stateroom on deck nine midship. The girls were thrilled with the veranda. We did not allow Audrey to stand on the table after I snapped this shot. I was very nervous that the girls would slip and fall overboard.

The girls were registered in the kids club before we boarded the ship. They were assigned a transmitter and wore it on a bracelet the entire trip. This was a great safety and tracking feature, the boat was HUGE!

I snapped this photo while on the bus. The size of the boat was overwhelming.

This is the first of a few hundred photos taken by the official Disney photographers. After this shot was taken we stepped on board and the crew welcomed the ward family formally into the mail gallery.

Olivia is getting ready for the sailing off party. The yellow from the streamers transferred onto her hands and face.

We has a real nice spot to watch the show. The girls loved it so m inch they did not want to leave when it was over.

The first night on board we dined in the royal court restaurant. The food was delicious and amazing! The girls had ketchup on their plates applied in a Mickey mouse shape. Olivia was sung to and our main server tatiziana made a Minnie mouse bow hat out of a napkin. Dinner was a success.

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