Wow time has flown by so quickly. Olivia is now cruising the floor getting into all of the toys that Audrey does not put away, which is everything. We had a fun Halloween this year. We celebrated with Audrey's school on Friday and on Saturday we went to the Boo at the Zoo event in the morning. Carter Morel has his birthday party in the afternoon and we ended the day at my parents house and went trick or treating with the girls. It was so much fun. The first house we made a visit to was Rico's home. She opened the door and Audrey just walked right inside. It was only a thing that a little girl would do!
Audrey loved the Snow White costume that I made for her this year. It is hard to get a good picture of her lately. She is a very serious little girl. I was able to snap this while Joe and I were visiting her class
Teacher Jose is dressed up as the Big Green Monster. This is one of Audrey's favorite books that they read at school often. Audrey seems to have formed a good relationship with her teachers and speaks of them often.
After trick or treating at Celebration Kids we returned to Audrey's classroom and decorated cookies. 
Joe took this photo of the girls as we were getting ready to go to Carter's birthday party. You can see that Audrey and Olivia have such different personalities. Olivia never stops smiling, and Audrey does!
Olivia is six and a half months here in this photo. She is so cute and amazing. She discovers a different skill everyday. She looked so cute in her Kimono inspired pajamas that my parents bought for her on their recent trip to Japan. As you look at the photos below it is so funny..the many faces of Olivia.
Climbing is one of Audrey's favorite things. These tunnels are up about 8 feet and require a ton of climbing.
Audrey enjoyed the little fire car at Amy's Playground. I love snapping shots of her when she is not looking. It is the only way I can really get a photo of the true Audrey.
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