Joe and I took the girls swimming yesterday. I recently joined the YMCA in La Canada. They have several activites that I think Audrey will enjoy including swimming and gymanstics. Not to mention the wonderful babysitting facility. Audrey was very excited to go "swimming in water". She had a blast and fell asleep as soon as we got home. Olivia also enjoyed the pool. It was her first time swimming. She loved going back in forth in the pool from end to end. It was also very cute, it seemed that Olivia was mimicing her sister trying to spash with her hand and feet. All 4 of us had fun and both girls took a long nap afterwards.
Today Joe whipped up some peas for Olivia to try. We have been giving her new foods every few days trying to expand her diet. She has a bite or two this evening and has a very negative reaction to them. I have never seen a little baby dislike a food so much. She was gagging so much I ran and got her a bottle of water to cleanse her mouth. I may try them again in the next few days mixing them with other foods. Olivia has her own opinion and likes what she likes. Her sister was much more easy going.
Here is a picture of Joe swimming with Audrey when she was Olivia's age. We took swimming lessons at the Rosebowl on Saturday's for a few months.
Yesterday Olivia wore this same swimsuit. It was a little big but looked just as cute. Audrey was so proud of her swimming session with Olivia. My parents came over to babysit last night and she just glowed as she told them about "swimming in water". Ha!
Fun!!! I am a member of the ymca in burbank:-)