Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Celebration 2010

Audrey's school puts on Christmas performance each year.  Here some photos from her show last Thursday.  Audrey was very excited and we are very proud of her!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Marley Kitty

Joe was working late last week entertaining clients while his boss was in town. He came home Thursday night at 10:30 and a little kitty cat followed him inside, before we could stop this darn cat Audrey spotted the cat and was in love.  Yes, she was still awake at 10:30 (don't ask)!
The next morning Audrey was so sad that the kitty was not with us (I am talking super, duper sad).  I did some research at work and found out that a local vet gives vaccines on Tuesday and Thursday, then I called Joe and I left work early.  We picked up the girls went and ate our favorite dinner and then made a stop at the pet store where we picked up some supplies. After we returned home we waited patiently until little the little kitty arrived. 1 hour later we let the cat into our house and Marley kitty was given the Ward name. Audrey suggested that we name the cat "kitty ward"  but Joe and I decided on a different name.  Audrey has been watching "Marley and Me" almost every night for the past week, so I felt that the name Marley would be appropriate.  I took a picture yesterday that I will post soon.  The girls are in love!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The end of 2011

I have settled into my job. I love what I do at work and the product that we deliver each month.  I love my husband and how he supports me as a working mom and wife.  I love my girls, they bring a smile to my face every day.

Christmas is a few weeks away. We have decorated our Christmas tree and our house is a winter wonderland...California style.  Audrey had so much fun picking out the tree on Friday night.  She was so excited and happy!  Joe and I got enough kisses this past weekend to last us a life time (really just until next week :)).  "mommy I love the Christmas tree, it is so pretty".  "daddy I want to stay with the Christmas tree tonight, it will be lonely".  I also learnt that Olivia can reach up past twice her measured height.  Yesterday she was playing and became too quite.  I walked up stairs up to find her with a glass ornament in her hand, BROKEN, her poor little finger was bleeding.  She is my trooper and was happy to receive the attention to apply a band aid.
All weekend we played Christmas music and decorated the house. It was one of the best weekends I have had in a long time.
Christmas gifts are under the tree and girls are becoming excited....We are so excited for the Christmas holiday.

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a wonderful holiday weekend. I hit snooze 4 times this morning.  I really did not want to get out of bed. Thanksgiving 2011 was a success.  The girls had a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving with the Romo side of our family.  Audrey and Olivia had a blast running around my parents house in the circle that connects all of the rooms.  The two girls slept in LATE on Friday recovering from the fun and chaos on Thursday. Olivia likes yams, while Audrey is strictly a pumpkin pie gal. I noticed for the first time how much the girls enjoy and rely on each other's company. Audrey became so sad and lonely while Olivia was napping.  It warms my heart to see them love one another like they do.  Thursday ended late and we spend the next day at home watching football with my family again.  It was nice to spend time with everyone in the comfort of my own home.  The girls of course took advantage of this situation and make a huge mess in their bedroom!
This was an incredibly busy weekend for us!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

Audrey and Olivia experienced their first taste of trick or treating this Halloween. They loved their orange plastic pumpkins and all of the candy that they collected inside.
By the end of the night daddy had a girl on each arm and was practically dragging them home.
Running from house to house made Olivia a very tired little girl.

 This is a photo of Audrey, Olivia and daddy hitting the first house of the evening.
Audrey was so well behaved.  She has a wonderful time with her friends.
Audrey and Lilly each wore their Snow White costumes.  Snow White seems to be the favorite princess among all of her friends.
The neighborhood of Sparr Heights was the happening spot.  The street became very crowded and we decided to make our escape quickly.
Running away, keeping the candy tight in her hand.  Olivia was her normal spunky self!
 Before we went trick or treating, Audrey went to a birthday party to celebrate Jason's 3rd birthday.
After the fisrt party the entire family loaded up and drove over to the Jensen's new home and celebrated Eli's first birthday.  Happy Birthday Eli!!!
Audrey, Ashley, Amelie and Lily in their princess hide out.
 Audrey looking like a little lady!
 The gang before the big event of the night.
Before Halloween could begin, pumpkins needed to be carved and decorated.
Olivia and her cool aid smile

Mommy and daddy did all of the carving, and yes I forgot to get a shot of the finished jack o lantern!

Olivia loved drawing all over the pumpkins.  She really enjoyed choosing all of the different colors and putting the tip of the marker in her mouth.  Go Olivia!
And finally the last picture of this post.  This image represents the first time that the girls both received a time out for their mischief! 

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October has come around too quickly!  I cannot believe that we have already chosen our Halloween costumes and are now receiving Christmas catalogs in the mail!  WOW!  

Joe and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary on October 8th. It is such a wonderful feeling to celebrate this milestone and still feel like I met him yesterday.  This is a good thing!

We planned a get away to Santa Barbara to celebrate our anniversary, but our plans did not work out. We decided to drive up Turlock and visit Joe's sister Theresa to celebrate our nieces' birthdays, Izzy turned 3 and Maggie turned 1.  Our family had so much fun taking a 5 hour car trip with the girls and spending every moment of the weekend with them.  It was a wonderful weekend, Audrey and Olivia loved playing with their cousins and all 3 dogs!
 Before we went home on Sunday we drove to a nearby park to take some photos.  With 4 girls under 4 it was difficult to get a good shot.  This is one of my favorites with Grandma Kathie.
This shot is funny...look at Maggie, she is having so much fun!
 Audrey and Izzy were climbing in the tree, it was nice to see them having so much fun together.  We were sad when we had to leave. 
Cousins checking out the ducks in the pond
Daddy and his girls + baby doll
Peter and Joe has to stop the girls from chasing the goose that was as tall as them.  Peter was sure that the goose would end up chasing the girls instead!
 Daddy and his baby girl!
I love them :)
Once we were home, life was back to normal.
Audrey and Olivia love sharing life together.  Audrey refuses to let us tie her hair back lately.  It drives me crazy.  Please note this for the future when she is old enough to see these photos and get mad at me because her hair is everywhere.  
Here are my 2 cuties playing outside after the rain.  Audrey is so proud of her "baby sister" and loves to tell everyone who will listen all about her.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Olivia is turning into a little girl so quickly.  She is walking and running all over the house.  She often falls hard because her body cannot keep up with her feet.  She has had many more head smacks than Audrey ever did.  It must be hard trying to keep up with your big sister.
Olivia has begun climbing on anything that will stand still.  Here she was being silly after bath and decided not to climb the bed railing since I pulled out the camera.

Audrey has been having so much fun in the bath lately and never wants to get out.  She has fallen in love with the dress up dolls that Ryan gave her for her 3rd birthday. Audrey also prefers to bathe by herself so she does not have to share her toys.
Daddy and Olivia read books and draw while Audrey is still enjoying bath time.  Olivia is saying so many words now.  It is amazing. She had drifted away from her baby obsession, they are still very important, but Olivia now loves to say ball and cheese.  Olivia loves to eat cheese!
Such a big girl at Lydia's baby shower last week.
Monday morning and back to school.  Mama got her bed head under control, but only after I took a picture.
Early in the morning having fun with I photo!